We are starting a gaming coop!

This is a free and open organization whose first mission is going to be to help game developers and those of us with old games tucked away.

On Friday July 27 (I know, sorry about the short notice) from 6 – 7:30 pm at Works San Jose (365 South Market St) we will have our first Coop Swap meet.


Old Games
YOUR GAMES (on media, cd whatever)

The rules will be evolving as we build our Coop Shop, but if you bring something you are welcome to take something with you. You can get rid of the stuff that is cluttering up your attic and come home with something new, cool or retro.

If you are a game developer, please consider burning us a few disks! We want to help people trade and play games developed locally and by people we know. Designed or not, CD sleeves are a great way to give instructions, please make sure to list the name and platform (and the authors name) with each disk.

Come Trade Games!

Please come out if you can, this is going to be our first event and we could use as much support as possible. We shall be doing this again on Aug 23 on SJSU campus, so keep an eye out.

If you have any questions or want to drop off stuff because you cannot make Friday, email us at coop@factorynoir.com

James Morgan
JP Bruneau

Cabinet Curators Call

This cross-post brought to you by the Cooperative Gaming Coop: http://gamingcoop.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/cabinet-curator-call/

Curate a video game cabinet for the Cooperative Gaming Co-op

As part of the Zero1 Biennial John Bruneau and James Morgan are bringing together a wide range of game developers to show in a classic golden age setting. We are building a half a dozen arcade cabinets and collecting a few others from the area.


A brief description of the project:

The Cooperative Gaming Co-op looks both backwards and forwards, into the legacy of gaming on one hand and its possible future one the other. The Golden Age of Video Games provided us with this public social space in which to interact, debate, commune and compete with friends and strangers alike. The arcade cabinet became the interface, the context, and the marketing agent for the games contained within. We lament the loss of the Arcade. We lament the replacement of the game cabinet.

The democratization of media has shifted the gaming landscape. Now more than ever, games can be created by anyone given the time and dedication. We anticipate a space that is once more owned by the people where we can swap our old used games (or games we made) play games made by our friends, family, lovers, professors and exchange ideas. This is a space that we own as gamers, that is free and unrepentantly socialist in its structure and ownership. This is old school socialism; everyone owns the coop of coop gaming. This is a place where we Share and Play together. The Arcade is Dead. Long live the Arcade.